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      News — "catch me if you can"

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      Catch Me if You Can....

      Fini and the 5th Avenue Theatre have something in common. Pan Am. They are producing the world premiere of Catch Me If You Can, a musical in which the lead masquerades as a Pan Am pilot.

      We have the Bags.

      Come in today and get coupons worth $25.00 off July 28th-Aug 5th performances.
      Come by after the show with your ticket stub and take 20% off any purchase over $100.00
      Visit the 5th Avenue Theatre...

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      Come fly with me.....

      Traveling is not what it used to be.The romance is gone, most would say.We have found a tiny slice of that romance in the form of Pan-Am vintage travel bags. Reproduced in loving detail, these bags harken to an era when air travel was a swinging affair. Come check out all the styles and colors, and grab one for your next trip.
      We are thrilled the arrival of these bags coincides with the World...

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