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      News — fini

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      The Fini/Shine holiday party was a smash!

      Everyone had a great time at the first annual Fini/Shine in the market salon party.

      There were lots of yummy holiday beverages served that night.Yummy. Lots.

      Questions were posed.Some were answered .Some were not.

      Heads were rested on shoulders while eyebrows were raised.
      But mostly, a wonderful time was had by all!
      *Tiny top hat courtesy of Fini.

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      Haute Goat

      What could it be,you may ask? Some kind of exotic candy? A modern art print of some kind? Maybe a salami gone terribly wrong?

      No.Wrong. Incorrect.

      You are feasting your eyes on Haute Goat reclaimed cashmere scarves. the brainchild of Seattle native Heidi Kappes Belinksy.

      One of a kind. Coming to Fini tomorrow. Come get yours soon.

      The selection is always best before the chill hits the air.

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      The Perfect earring....

      What makes a perfect earring? The color of the stone? The length in relation to your neck and hairline? Maybe it's an earring that goes with everything you own, or never feels dated,no matter how long you've loved it.

      Taolei may just be the ones you have been searching for.
      Loads and loads of colors and styles.
      Long and sweeping to simple and compact.
      And priced in that sweet spot of not "which one",...

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      Ring a ding- ding

      Great big chunky cocktail rings. They look so cool and sophisticated pressed up against the stem of your Martini glass. Hand gestures cannot be ignored by others when wearing one.

      Large-ish Man Hands appear petite when wearing a Mount Everest scaled ring. (Trust me.)

      A new arrival of Ollipop rings are now in. vintage in feel. Open backed for comfort and adjustability. Bold scale for those who want...

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      The cutest little zippered pouches. Ever.

      It makes me happy to organize my handbags. It makes switching them out so much easier when all the contents are in small bags.
      It makes me very happy when the small bags are adorable.
      Enter Lassiez Lucile Faire, a French designer who creates limited edition zippered pouches. Colorful,practical works of art, tucked inside your bag.

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