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      Butterflies for your neck.

      Light air around your neck.

      Delicate looking as the real thing, but tough as nails.

      Not feeling the feather trend? This is the perfect alternative.

      Flown in just for you, now at Fini.

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      Rob Ryan jumps the pond, lands in Fini!

      There is no reason you should be familiar with the works of Rob Ryan. The Cyprus born paper cut artist with a tiny jewel box shop/ studio in London seems to like to keep things small-ish.

      He has an Etsey shop where you can buy a few odd tiles,some laser cuts, and and some original works. That's about it.

      That is until he agreed to license some of his images onto ceramics with British company Wilde...

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      Name your poison.

      I have a vague recollection of seeing these draped over my Grandparents' cut crystal booze decanters.

      It was a necessity, because out of their original bottles, Gin looks like Vodka, and Bourbon just like Whiskey.

      Plus, it was super classy in a Hugh Hefner kind of way.

      Why not class up your neck while telling people what you're made of?
      These decanter medallions turned necklaces will do just that.


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      Going, going, almost gone.

      Spring/Summer George Gina and Lucy bags have landed in the store, but supplies are scarce.

      A limited amount of styles and colors are produced every season, just to keep us wanting more.

      When our stock is sold, chances are slim more will be available.
      Goodbye to "Poppy me", "Pistachio risotto", "Watermelon seed", and all the other bright, bold hues they have come up with this season.

      These German made,...

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      Hope you like it, 'cause you'll have it forever.

      I have had the bag pictured below for seven years. I have carried books, paperwork, my lunch, my laptop, and my dog in it. All at the same time.

      The bottom is as secure as the day I got it. The straps are still sturdy.

      This year they have tarted up the classic with a terrific pair of orange handles, and woven a bit of orange straw through the body.

      Same here, except with a sunny yellow.

      The French...

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